

  • Importing and merging advertiser's platforms' data
  • Requirements, installation & updates
  • Limitations
  • Changelog
  • License
  • Support

Tracking params, importing and merging

  • Google AdWords
  • Microsoft Bing Ads
  • Criteo
  • Facebook Ads
  • Taboola
  • Individual campaigns
  • Other advertising platforms and Piwik's default tracking params


  • getVisits
  • getEcommerceOrderWithVisits
  • getEcommerceOrdersWithVisits
  • getMarketingPerformance
  • getStatus

Extending AOM

  • Events

Quality assurance and monitoring

  • Logging
  • Monitoring

Plugin development

  • Tests

Quality assurance and monitoring

It is essential to ensure that all your data is as correct as possible. Significant errors, such as undetected deviations between imported platform data and data within the platforms itself, might seriously harm your marketing efforts. You should therefore establish sound monitoring and alerting processes.


Various console-commands and background tasks (importing, merging etc.) write their logs to aom-tasks.log. All other logs (visitor requests, requests to this plugin's API endpoints, Piwik UI interactions etc.) are written to aom.log. All log files are stored in Piwik's main directory.

You can filter aom-tasks.log for specific console-commands and background tasks by searching for strings like {"platform":"AdWords","task":"import"} or WARNING.

It might be a good idea to rotate these log files on a daily basis.



Monitoring API endpoints

By monitoring the API endpoint AOM.getStatus you can easily validate

  • that Piwik gathers tracking data like visits and orders,
  • that the marketing data imports are working and
  • that the matching of visits and marketing data is working.

The API endpoint AOM.getReprocessedVisitsStatus enables you to easily validate

  • the reprocessed visits data overall,
  • the reprocessed visits data overall (by appending &groupByChannel=true),
  • the marketing costs (per platform) when comparing to the the platform data (manually).

Monitoring database contents


Monitoring log files

You should monitor aom-tasks.log automatically. Some checks that might be useful:

  • Search for errors during AdWords' import: grep "ERROR" aom-tasks.log | grep "AdWords" | grep "import"
  • ...

Manual monitoring efforts



Based on the monitoring possibilities described above, you should setup alerting processes that inform those who are responsible as soon as possible after an error is being detected.


If you need need assistance in ensuring data quality, please feel free to get in touch.

Found a bug, got a questions or have a fabulous idea?


We hope you find this Piwik plugin useful.
Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions or suggestions.

Got questions about Piwik AOM or suggestions how to improve?

Feel free to create an issue at github or contact me.

André Kolell
Online Marketing and Web Development Enthusiast

Want to get more out of Piwik AOM?

You miss a feature or like intense support on your individual Piwik setup?
Get in touch with me and let's work out how we can make things going.

Daniel Stonies
Passionate Web Developer and IT Project Manager